Diary of a first time fuser

Started by ♥♥Tan♥♥, January 20, 2007, 01:50:38 PM

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   Right..well I spent last night cutting glass or more specifically cutting myself and creating glass crazy paving!! I think I am initiated now. Then I spent this morning in my pyjamas cutting the glass even smaller and creating more crazy paving daubed with blood.

   The biggest problems  I had was my ruler slipping on the glass so I didn't creat a sraight cut, and not pressing firmly enough so no matter how much I grunted and swore it wouldn't snap cleanly. Thank god for Stephs cutting video which I won't admit to stamping up and down and shouting 'BUT I AM DOING THAT' at it. I still cant snap it like that though so at the moment I have to do the turn it over and tap it until it seperates thing.

Luckily I went and bought some 3mm float glass off cuts to practice on because if i had been cutting my bullseye and creating that many slivers you would have heard me cursing in Scotland.

I thought I would have a go at some float glass pendants because ultimately I want to have a go at dichroic pendants, common I know but I just want to wear one that I made. Having read all the tips on here I used white glue on half and honey on the other half and have tried several sorts of inclusions which I won't mention yet in case it all goes horribly wrong.

    As I type the kiln is ticking away, when they are ready I will see if I can get some pics taken and work out how to post them?

What about you guys, anyone starting out?


Wooooooooohooooooooo Tan well done!!

Im not going to have a go till middle of Feb, hopefully i shall have some time to make room to play and get the tools I need by then...

Show us how it came out Tan please?  :) :)



OOohhh.. way to go Tan !!!

I just had one semi serious attempt last summer... maybe I shall have another go this year some time ???

Can't wait to see how you get on ... :)


good luck. hope it goes well & you have plasters on those wounds ;)


Well I quite like the steady dripping of blood....it gives me a sense of accomplishment.

Seriously thought I thought if I keep this diary up to date and others add their first time attempts we could amass a sort of do's and dont's for the beginner so that more people can have a successful fuse first time.

I will post pics although I may need help witht that, I haven't done it before.



Got to the kiln this morning and there is a ftl error flashing meaning the program took too long and either the warm up or cool down rate took to long and when I opened the kiln nothing had fused at all!!!

I know it went through the program because I watched it like a hawk all day. How disappointing!! I double checked that I had entered the float glass program correctly and I had. So I could'nt find a full fuse program for float so I have started it back off on a tack and see where that gets me!!

Over 100 perfect firings - Spectrum Systems 96

2 layer (decorative components on single base)

1. 400 dph to 1000F 20 min hold
2. 400 dph to 1150F 15 min hold
3. 850 dph to 1360F 15 min hold
4. AFAP to 950 60 min hold
5. 400 dph to 100 OFF

For a 3 layer fuse, ramp at 300 dph
For Bullseye COE 90, use the same ramps and holds but add 30 degrees to ALL temperatures.
For float glass, add 50 degress to ALL temperatures.

If you're only firing small pieces, it's safe to ramp at 500 dph. Jewelry size at 600 dph.

If you're in a hurry, you can vent the kiln an inch or two at 300F, then fully open it at 200F.

I found this on LE and this is what the kiln is processing now. So no pics today but update tomorrow


oo, how annoying! let's hope it behaves itself this time around


Right chaps I made a major boob that you all need to know about to stop you doing the same thing. Some kilns operate in C and some in F, and you need to check which because it will make a huge difference to your firing schedule...in other words it wont work!!!

My kiln operates in F and I was inputting the temps in as C. Hence the no fire, but a huge thanks to Jim for leading me gently by the hand and pointing all this out calmly while trying very hard not to wet himself laughing.

Can't blame him, its making me chuckle now!! ;D


Ha ha ha Tan .... our Jim's a legend !!!


The legend and the t*t went hand in hand into the fused sunset ;D ;D


Kilns, Torches, Tools & Supplies for Lampworking and Fusing


ha ha ha.... what a picture !!!!

Les xx


ok I followed the program I posted earlier adding 50 degrees to all temperatures and got the result as you can see in the pics, if I can upload the pics successfully



Yaaaaaay !!!!!!!!!!!!!

It worked Tan !!!!

;D ;D