Propane Leak

Started by Im a glassy babe, June 18, 2008, 08:50:18 PM

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Funky Cow

Sal, I was just glad to get over the sheer horror of the whole gas=massive explosion, run away quick while you're still alive syndrome  ;D 
Cathryn xxx     

My Etsy:

Im a glassy babe

Thanks everyone,  will have a go tomorrow, and see if this improves it.

My husband has just sat and explained to me what a regulator is for.  I am a bit of a dizzy blonde.

If I've got it right.  If my propane is opened right out my regulator is passing through the maximum pressure to my torch.  If for some reason the pressure reduces in the tank it then reduces all along the line straight to my torch resulting in less propane.

If however, I have the pressure set at 2 bar for instance, then 2 bar will be fed to my torch.  If the pressure does drop in the tank, it won't affect the 2 bar pressure, unless the tank reduced below 2 bar, in which case what is after the regulator would reduce too.

Yay I think I get it!


Funky Cow

Of course, if your tank is running out, that plays merry hell with the pressure too  :o
Cathryn xxx     

My Etsy:

Im a glassy babe

I wouldn't imagine it could be running out.  Have got a 19kg, (I know, prob a bit big) and I've had it since April.  Haven't had hours and hours on it, just manage to get some time in evenings and weekends, but worth a thought.



Oh heck - now I'm really confused............. :-\

Funky Cow

Get methodical tomorrow - you'll crack it  :)
Cathryn xxx     

My Etsy:

Funky Cow

Quote from: Redhotsal on June 18, 2008, 10:26:05 PM
Oh heck - now I'm really confused............. :-\

Welcome to my exclusive club, I'm the founder  ~ the permanently befuddled! It's free to join  ;D
Cathryn xxx     

My Etsy:


Hehe - "get methodical" sounds like something out of Reservoir Dogs!

Im a glassy babe

That last post from me prob made no sense what so ever, but I think I know what I mean!

My hubby reckons he did turn the regulator back in a half turn at one point, and I had told him it was a little better flame, so looks like this maybe the answer.  Great, we've been puzzling over this for a few days now.

Thanks again

Im a glassy babe


Just me again getting a little more confused.

Well we adjusted the propane regulator and it did seem to improve.  I didn't have to adjust the propane for about half an hour.

Just wondering if it's usual to adjust after a while due to temperatures etc?

Anyone with any ideas?


Vicki x


Hi, I might be totally off mark here, but according to what I have read, it is quite normal to have to adjust the torch dials until the torch is properly "worked in" (in lack of a more proper phrase).  I don't know which torch you have, but I have a couple of month old bobcat which has not been used that much, and I still have to turn up the propane (on the torch) after a bit of torching.  I just adjust the propane, keeping the oxygen constant, and off i go again - have never given it a second you think I should??  ;D
Julie xx

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I have never given this much thought. I turn my propane tank full on - my DH set the regulator (not sure what to) and I constantly play around with the torch flame from when I first put it on as it always seems to drop a bit from that first surge.
She's made of real glass. She got real real emotion. But my heart laughs I have that same sweet devotion!


I'm wondering if it's like mine - you turn it all on, and get a nice cone shaped flame, then start working, and after a little while, the flame goes bushy and you have to adjust the knobs on the torch? If that's it, then I'm getting it too, and I thought it was sort of normal, if a little annoying..


I adjust my propane and oxygen all the time depending on what I am doing, oxygen down for reducing the silver glass, propane down to get a lovely little pinpoint flame, oxygen way up when I'm gettting impatient and it's not melting fast enough  ... now after reading this I'm wondering if I'm doing it all wrong ???


Quote from: dinah46 on June 20, 2008, 08:27:37 AM
I adjust my propane and oxygen all the time depending on what I am doing, oxygen down for reducing the silver glass, propane down to get a lovely little pinpoint flame, oxygen way up when I'm gettting impatient and it's not melting fast enough  ... now after reading this I'm wondering if I'm doing it all wrong ???
If so, then so am I....
She's made of real glass. She got real real emotion. But my heart laughs I have that same sweet devotion!