Propane Leak

Started by Im a glassy babe, June 18, 2008, 08:50:18 PM

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Im a glassy babe

Hi there,

Can anyone help please?

Have a propane oxycon set up.  I keep finding that the propane gradually reduces when I'm beading.  We have checked for any leaks numorous times, and nothing appears.  I'm convinced it's something to do with the connection from the regulator to the propane bottle, but can find no evidence of a leak.

Help!!! It's really frustrating.  It does reduce slowly, but annoying nevertheless.

Any help appreciated




Do you mean it's actually leaking, or is your pressure dropping? My pressure drops, it's just something my regulator does. I set it a little higher at the start now.

Im a glassy babe

Hi Mary

The regulator is set at maximum as per instructions from supplier.  We can't find a leak anywhere and have checked several times.  If I'm set at maximum will pressure drop gradually?  New to this so still learning.


Vicki x


It's hard to know without knowing your exact regulator,but if you can't find a leak that might be it.

Im a glassy babe

The complete kit to run your Hot Head Torch off bulk propane gas.
This kit enables you to run your Hot Head torch off a bulk cylinder of propane (LPG) gas. Although Mapp gas is the preferred gas for Hot Heads the costs soon start adding up as you get more hooked on beadmaking. Propane gas available from many garages, welding supplies, camp sites and garden centres is a close alternative to Mapp gas for your Hot Head although burning slightly lower in temperature this is not a major problem. Savings are huge by using propane as a normal 13 kilo cylinder will cost between £12 - £18.00 and will give 100 hours use. This kit contains a 4 bar  propane regulator, propane flashback arrestor, 5 mtr of propane hosing and the torch connector.All the kit is joined together and ready to use once you screw the cylinder on one end and the torch on the other.[/size]

Hi above is the description of regulator from website where I purchased.  Does this help at all?



Hang on, you said propane oxycon set up, but you're using a hothead?
Val Cox Frit - Thai and Bali Silver 

Im a glassy babe

No sorry, bit of confusion.

Started with a hothead when we purchased this hose and regulator.  Hubby then bought me a new torch and oxycon but am still using the same hose as used for the hothead.  Is this ok? We presumed as it was used for bulk propane with the hothead it was fine to carry on with the same hose when I changed set up.

have I got it all wrong?

Funky Cow

If your regulator looks like mine (and it probabaly does, because your description is off Martin Tuffnell's website where I got mine) then the regulator is a bit hard to fathom! At first, I couldn't work out how to read the settings on the regulator, and didn't have it on the right setting. I moved from bulk propane to oxycon/propane setup too, and had to fiddle with the regulator while the torch was lit to make sure I had it right.
Cathryn xxx     

My Etsy:


You should be OK with the same bits. And a dual fuel needs less pressure than a HH, so the regulator should be OK. Are you maybe turning the dial the wrong way? Sorry to ask what seems obvious, but propane connections turn the "wrong" way, and I still sometimes close mine when I mean to open it.

Im a glassy babe

Thanks cathryn,

Is from Tuffnell's.  We were advised to open the regulator to maximum.  What kind of trouble were you having to fiddle with it?  Was it a problem with the flame? As new to this not sure what is supposed to happen when regulator is set at different pressures.


Vicki x


You should be ok to use the same hoses. Try your regulator at "half way" - that is screw it all the way out and then count the number of screws needed to screw it totally in and then go back to half this number. That's about where I have mine. If you get down to gas bottle level you will see under the "tap" section of the regulator that there are two markings for min and max pressure. This IS a 0-4 bar variable regulator by the way? (looks like a great big black sink tap!)
I usually open the gas bottle only a little - probably no more than a turn and a half at the most.

How are you checking for leaks? By smell? Or by using a leak test solution. At a pinch you can use a spray of water with a few drops of detergent in it. If you liberally spray this all over the fittings you will see any leaks as little bubbles. This is really the best way to check. (By the way don't use this solution on your oxygen fittings - you really should used a proprietory leak detector fluid, which you can get from B+Qs) The leak detection fluid is simple and effective and tells you immediately if you have an actual leak or if you have pressure problems.

Im a glassy babe

Thanks Sally

Is maybe too much pressure causing this problem then?


Actually - reading back everything again I wonder whether you have the regulator set at fully closed rather than fully open? If so you will get some residual gas which is probably lurking in the hoses but the gas pressure will quickly drop and your flame will get tiny. It is confusing but I'm pretty sure "fully open" is actually "tap section screwed right in" on a propane regulator. Either way - I personally wouldn't have it fully open - half way and then adjust "to taste" is probably the best route...

Funky Cow

Quote from: Redhotsal on June 18, 2008, 09:57:10 PM
I usually open the gas bottle only a little - probably no more than a turn and a half at the most.

Oooh - I open my gas bottle valve all the way  :-[  I set my regulator where I liked the flame  :-\
Cathryn xxx     

My Etsy:


Well Cath, if it works for you that's fine. I guess you're relying on the regulator to control, well, actually regulate the gas flow - which is what it should be doing afterall. I've just always done it my way as no one ever told me any other way. As it seems to work I've never challenged it - coming from the University of "If it ain't Broke don't Fix it" as I am!  ;)