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gallery archive 08

Started by beads-on-toast, January 01, 2008, 11:13:04 AM

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Beautiful work everybody..... I've not got much to show at the moment.... kids and school holidays are having a severe impact on torch time at the moment :(

Bit out of focus, sorry bout that :-\... and ... my first attempt at using needle felting in a necklace pendant...




Great colours Steph; Heather, I've been drooling over those beads on Flickr (Anna - baleen? indentations? huh? we need more words!); Mindy, such gorgeousness as always; Shirley, I thought you didn't like doing BHBs!! Love the cat Les!

I was the early bird that caught the worm at Beads Up North yesterday - Clare Scott had a disc press for sale and I nabbed it pronto! Had to have a play late last night

Bought some Triton - why do I do this?  I love everybody else's silvery beads, but I simply don't know what to do with it!


Not sure if this is going to work, but I am hoping a photo of some beads I made last week will appear under this text!!!!


He he ... I still get a massive kick when I see my beads all dressed up :D

Just one more to show for today.... just a back to basics, organic one from me :)



Fab toadstool! And I like the lady in the red dress, Sheila.
I've been playing with my new press  ;D, and also doing some round beads - blue, opal yellow, silver plum, copper green and some psyche..





Love the felt and glass Les. Kathryn I really like all your work. Kathy, good to see you back, beautiful beads. Sarah those round beads are gorgeous. Nice rings Steph.

Here is some of the stock I have been making up for the Somerset Arts Week open studios.

Bumpy Beads

A few additions to my fossil collection. New Fossil Beads;


My Etsy Shop



Les, tha dragon is cute, the treebead is beautiful, but the Easter Island face ist just stunning!!!
Carol, this is impressing!

I have some new jewellery to show I made out of some of my beads from my stash. Sorry the pics are so big, I don't know how to resize them here...

Regards, Verena
Glasperlenwerk - My bead-site with blog (German) -
Vetromagic - Frit and fritblends in COE 104 -


I love the heads Les and Carol and the tree bead is very very pretty les!!

that top necklace is really nice Verena did you do the silver work yourself?

I've not posted any beads for a while cos I was embarrased just how bad mine all were but I've finally come up with a few that I think arn't too bad...


Nice ones, Stacey. I love the lavender and green together on the third set :)

I've got a few to show from this week

Here's my Travelling Vine Tube and BHB

and a few more bits and pieces

Val Cox Frit - Thai and Bali Silver 


I like that heart Stacy and your vine tube Shirley. You've been busy Les!
Here is a new vessel from me, cobalt blue, silver foil, Gaia and Triton.

and here is an etched set in the same sort of style and colours as my long pendants. I'm making these up into a wirework necklace.


Here's mine

All triton with a dash of pysche and palladium here and there. I find Triton really hard to photograph but Sooz has just given me a tip which I'll try next time  :)



Sarah, those Triton beas are stunning!!!

I have two BHBs to show, one with Supernova - which I mastered for the first time, and one with Psyche.

Regards, Verena
Glasperlenwerk - My bead-site with blog (German) -
Vetromagic - Frit and fritblends in COE 104 -


Gorgeous beads, I've been playing a lot this week and not achieving a great deal, but had lots of fun experimenting.