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gallery archive 08

Started by beads-on-toast, January 01, 2008, 11:13:04 AM

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Lesley your goddess is stunning and you are nailing the cutting technique

i have been making big hole beads with a variety of silver glasses

The colours change so much in direct sunlight

and my favouritest pandora bead so far -


Lots of lovelies again this week!
I like the way Triton reacts with petroleum green, and Sarah inspired me to break into my Terra hoard.


Here's a new set from me - ivory and CIM pink champagne with triton
[img= 400 width]http://[/img]



Phwoar Mary, those are beauties - I had no idea petroleum green could ever look so good!

I've been having a sugar rush  ;D


They look great!
I've been playing with Triton..




Love all the beads on here : large silver cores, hearts, fruit pastilles and a special one for Pat's donkey - that's made my day.
Here's  one of my smaller hole silver cored and capped sets:
[img= 400 width]http://[/img]
Green Triton Eye



There are some beautiful beads here. those silver capped beads are fantastic. But for some reason I can't see lots of peoples photos. I saw Lesleys goddess (lovely by the way) but now it has vanished, and I haven't seen Emma's, Les, Steph or some others. Is anyone else having problems.

Here is my first go at the watercolour flower tutorial I found on here.


There are some beautiful beads on show this week. I'm loving all the Triton and Sabine that rose is amazing!

I can't get good pics of my triton as its just reflecting light  :'(  but I do have some pinks which seems to be my other obsession at the moment



All Gorgeous - love the tropicana bowl!
I've been playing with my Psyche, I thought it was looking a little left out last week.. and there's some gaia and a bit of aion too..





I like him Pat!
Just a couple more beads to be cored - I've let them get bigger, I'm going to have to start selling them as large or small!

gaia, psyche and gaia, gaia and aion.. or is that the other way around.. ::)


After having messed around with combos of silver glass, I like the Triton unencased and the Psyche encased best..



I made a monster, LOL

Sabine x Ring Top Tutorial


I made some more big hole beads today.

I also had a go at a pleat bead and it came out pretty well, but won't photograph. And I did an implosion bead that is probably the best one I've done so far. It won't photograph either :D
Val Cox Frit - Thai and Bali Silver 

Bumpy Beads

Yum! Summer fruits! Don't forget to show us post slump Steph!

I've actually managed to get some torch time this weekend. Here's one I made on Friday that I'm pleased with.

This bead has a bit of a story attached to it for anyone who's interested;

My Etsy Shop

Bumpy Beads

Thank you Helen.

Here's another. I've etched this as it devitted a little bit  ::)


My Etsy Shop


I made some more big holers today. These were commissioned ;D

I just found the right spot to get the reduction on the Bobcat too. Been playing with DH odds from a few months ago ;D
Val Cox Frit - Thai and Bali Silver