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gallery archive 08

Started by beads-on-toast, January 01, 2008, 11:13:04 AM

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Dragonfire Glass

I tried that turtle tut on youtube too

BTW what constitutes a newbie?


Gosh after seeing all these wonderful beads not sure I should post this but I'm so chuffed at having actually made a round bead I'm gonna bite the bullet and post it ;D Needs cleaning and annealing ( need to talk nicely to someone with a kiln once I have made a few more lol)

Claire x


Mindy, I love that tree with the enamels :)
I've been a bit obsessed with discs today!



Here's another two, they're even bigger at 3cm across.. I've got another one like the blue one in the kiln.. fingers crossed!



Guess who sneaked down to my studio last week and made 2 beads - yes, my DH!!! Only 6 months after his lesson from Mike!

She's made of real glass. She got real real emotion. But my heart laughs I have that same sweet devotion!


Ooooh, I've never started one of these before!

Lots of new dots from me, some encasing (eek!) and a touch of silver foil ...


I thought i would give this a go...

these are my very first...

of course I got hooked and have been beading for about 1 month now...and here are some more recent ones...

My very first piece of jewellery with my own beads!

Sorry these are so big...I dont know why...

any suggestions?!?!?!



Gorgeous Julie, I love your use of colour, I would never have thought of lime and amethyst :o

So now for boring ivory as usual  ;D  My second attempt at the kneeling goddess, a definite improvement on the first one, I am much happier with this but I did pale aqua beads for her necklace and I don't like them. :'(

Sorry for the hog, but the bonus is she has a belly button ;D

Everyone is gifted, its just that some leave the wrapping on longer than others
(Richard Wilkins)

My Etsy


Wow Suzy, they're great!  ;D

I tried my hand at some sea horses tonight...

S'cuse the naff photos.  ::)
Beth x


Heres a little bit from me, bottle beads that I made a couple of weeks ago but arrived back annealed from the lovely Lush last week.


Wow, all stunning stuff!
I spent forever getting a disc nice and smooth this morning, and then trying stringer etc, only it's a bit off centre.. never mind, it's a start! I had sunsets behind trees in mind, but there's only so much space on a disc :)
Also returned to my button mandrel - only having one is a bit annoying, as I wanted to do more..



What a lovely show of beads this week... gorgeous kneeling goddess, the top set is my favourite Kaz, perfect discs... too many wonderful beads to mention.. ;D
I've just got a coonvally press..   :D

vetro odd amber with nyx

encased frit and ivory

Encased vetro cosmic storm

If it's got a hole, it's a bead !


Wow everyone  ;D there is so much glassy talent on here!
I should really stay off this thread, it makes my 'add to cart' finger get twitchy... but this week I have made some beads, OK they are beaded beads and not in the same league as your gorgeous creations, but I rather like them as they are perky and fun!

I'm hoping they're going to be my first 'Beads and Beyond' project - watch this space  ;)

Keep up with me on Facebook or my blog


Wow, Lynn! they're yummie!
Lesley: amazing colours!
Handmadeheaven: your colours keep surprising me! Love them!
Miriam: You already know I love all your beads!
Kaz: Lovely reactions, I must take a note of them to try them for myself!

Here's another set of beads with my "messy stringer technique" (it must have a name, doesn't it? )

Love, Karin


A whole lot of loveliness here! Billie, love the 'shrooms!
Lesley, that's a lovely goddess, I like that she's kneeling.
Great dots Julie, Sue and Kaz.
Great stars Mareike.
Wow! discs, Kathryn.
Smashing beady beads Lynn.
Lovely lentils Miriam, Karin and Fiona.
And cool roses Trudi.
And Steph, immaculate as always.

I got some Triton yesterday. So here it is, on Amethyst, with Canyon de Chelley, and on Stoneground with sis.