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gallery archive 08

Started by beads-on-toast, January 01, 2008, 11:13:04 AM

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Ok gonna be brave and show some of my beads :-[These are the only ones that survived from my play yesterday.  All the others cracked :'(
Claire x


Yay!  My first solo hollow bead (well, the first one that's good enough to take a pic of!)

Its not completely hollow, the ends a bit thick, but I love it   :)

And .... I just found it that I can use it as a whistle!   ;D


Do we ask how you found out you could whistle through it...?  ???

My beads - plus cat hair!


I haven't posted any pics for a while, so here are a couple I made yesterday. :)



Mindy - beautiful beads as ever - I'm in awe of your stinger work & just love the stripes :). Lovely set Lesley - and love the bead with the pmc bead caps. Still havent got round to giving that a go! Great hollow Julie - I had a go at that once - total disaster. I'm very jealous lol! A beautiful set there Amber - and Iiona - WOW! Stunning!  Really love the silver core Sam - and the  top beads a stunner :) Hope thats everyone :)

Here are some from me - think I must be liking making these. All are CIM and fine silver wire & Electra apart from the set thats trans colbat Blue. Photo bucket seems to give either enormous photos or tiny photos, didnt want to be a silly hog so one pig pic- click on the rest if you would like to see a bigger pic!        


I dont think I can part with the top set!

Emma x

Art Clay Senior Instructor & Lampworker


I just want to say a great big THANK YOU! to Sandy for selling me her Nortel Minor! I finally have it all set up, and these are the results of my first day.. 'scuse the pointy ends, this was a little trickier to control..

It is soo much hotter, and so quiet! I will have to do a bit more orientation but I think we will get along just fine! (Also, a piccy of it in it's new home) ;D :-*







D/t other commitments and being quite busy with commissions lately (not beads) I haven't played as much as I'd like, but yesterday I had a good session.  I'm rather unstructured, just do what takes my fancy, practising basic shapes, colour reactions etc.  At times it can still take me quite a long time even to make a round bead  ::)

I almost always have a go at a floral bead, and yesterday I managed to make one without smudging the flowers. I know there is still a long way to perfection, but I am very chuffed with it (on the left)  ;D:

And as always I had to make a few critters as well...this little pingu looks like he needs to go:

Lastly, I found a turtle tut on youtube, and was so pleased when I managed to finish this little fella before he cracked on me:

So, not great art from me today, but I certainly enjoyed myself!!  I'm sorry about the window reflections in the pictures, I really must get one of those photo-tents.  Have a lovely bank holiday, everybody!!  :)
Julie xx

                           My Webbie - My Flickr

Donna@Rockin' Beads

What lovely beads everyone.
I bought the Therese Laliberte Goddess tutorial and am so pleased with my first attempt that I felt brave enough to post in here for a change. What a great tutorial.
She is my dad's Father's Day present  ;D

The top bead isn't really meant to be her head but seems to work quite well  ;D ;D

Donna@Rockin' Beads

Cute Penguin  ;D
I've been practising pleats - with a very small amount of success  ;D

And I am addicted to dots and wavy lines following Laura Sparling's dmo at the Flame Off

Oh, and I finally felt brave enough to try the dichroic strips I bought at the Flame Off  ;D

Phew.... bit of a hog, sorry  :P


here's me turtles.........  ;D

and a couple of others too  :)

Those pleats are fab Donna, and I love the wavy dotty ones too.
Beth x


Oh, I guess I am first this week. Here are the products of my illicit bead making sessions!
Lavender and brown - dotties and spotties

Dirty martini and chagall silver blue - more dotties and spotties

Detail of some lentils I am quite pleased with (better ends than before) - steel grey, white and Nyx

A lentil pair I was dead chuffed with

A pile of lentil pairs to make some earrings
She's made of real glass. She got real real emotion. But my heart laughs I have that same sweet devotion!


I have been playing with Nyx and Phyche (which Julie kindly gave me).  Lovely stuff, got to get more.

Everyone is gifted, its just that some leave the wrapping on longer than others
(Richard Wilkins)

My Etsy


I really like the first set Kaz. Miriam those are really pretty. Lesley those are all lovely, the top one is my favourite.

I've been doing some hearts again recently.


Aww! it's cute!
I've allowed myself to use a bit of my Terra, just to see..


And more blue squares.. finding it harder to get the high metallic sheen on my new torch, it's getting there though..



Well I decided to go for it and try a kneeling goddess.  She has several things I consider "wrong" however on the whole I am fairly proud that I managed this.  I am going to do another one at the weekend as I am determined to make the "perfect" one.  All this said when I think back two years ago I would have had no chance of doing something like this, so practice obviously makes all the difference.

Everyone is gifted, its just that some leave the wrapping on longer than others
(Richard Wilkins)

My Etsy