fusing in spectrum with wire

Started by Malx88, April 14, 2015, 10:57:04 AM

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I am about to fuse some flat wire simple figure shapes between two clear 3mm layers of spectrum.

The wire is 2mm thick, and the sheets of glass fairly large 30cm x 40cm, I want to avoid large bubbles forming around the wire, so am thinking of using clear stringers around the edges of the glass to allow the air to escape, and also to use clear powder around the wire.

Please can anybody suggest a good bubble squeeze programme that would help? Any other suggestions gratefully received.


flame n fuse

I've never used Spectrum, but this was a successful programme for 20 cm bullseye circles with frit and stringers between the 2 layers of glass
   Rate   Temp   Soak   Duration   Elapsed
Initial   250   538   0   2.15   2.15
Pre-rapid heat soak   333   677   30   0.92   3.07
Rapid    full   770   10   0.63   3.70
Rapid cool   full   516   30   1.01   4.71
Anneal   83   350   0   2.00   6.71
Final cool   full   21   0   2.19   8.90


 brilliant, thanks for your help!