2 layer insert

Started by sandmor1, April 15, 2014, 10:45:36 AM

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I am hoping for some help with this...

I made a tile 25cm x 125cm with scraps and a clear layer. It turned out very nice but a bit ITT for a single piece. I would like to slice it into maybe 3 strips and incorporate the  strips into 3 new pieces. The first one I have in mind is to place the strip in the middle of 2 outside pieces with a clear layer on the bottom but as the middle section will then be 3 layers and the outside sections only 2, I'm not sue if this is acceptable.

Could someone advise me on this please.

Thank you



You could always put a layer of clear over the outer layers, that would even it up.



Thanks for that, Nick. I will put on the extra layer of clear on either side.



Hi Nick, I just want to let you know that the tile has come out perfect. I am delighted with it. It is now back in the kiln on the slump mould.

It is very heavy, well it would be, being 3 layers thick.

I suppose I should have thought myself of adding an extra layer to the sides but I am a novice...that's my excuse anyway. ;D

Thanks for taking the time to reply, I appreciate the help.



You're very welcome!  I'm glad it worked well. :D :D

Nick x