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Putting things in "bottles"

Started by garishglobes, January 22, 2014, 09:06:54 PM

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I made this today:

Snowdrop in a bottle by A flame with desire, on Flickr

I used a wine goblet top that just happened to be the right size (ish) and had a bit of amber/purple at the base - which actually, I'd do again. The colour, that is! But the rest of it was a bit experimental and Heath Robinson! The snowdrop was in its third incarnation by the time I got to the wine goblet, having attempted with a couple of other blown things that didn't work! So... I was wondering.. how would anyone else do this? I ended up using a punty to hold the snowdrop while I got it roughly tacked to the base, then curling in the open top around it and attaching a blow tube to finish off the shape and sort out that base. Pop a tiny hole at the base, remove blow tube and put on hook.. but is there a better way??



 ??? ??? ??? ??? I don't think I can think of any better way, but I do know that it's fantastic!  ;D

(Is it feasible to attach the snowdrop base to the end of a bit of capillary tube with some colour over it, use that as a blow tube to form the dome & hook, then condense it down at the base to join it all together somehow  ??? ??? ??? )

Glassy Lou


That's amazing!  I wouldn't have the first idea how to do that ???.  It makes me think of the glass snowdrop in the film Stardust, but of course that isn't in a bottle.


Pat from Canvey

That's exquisite Emma. You know what they say, if it's not broken, don't fix it. Your method has produced a work of art.


But my method needs improving, for me to be happy! This just felt too much 'on the edge' for comfort. I know, out of the comfort zone is good, but this feels a bit beyond that. I have a feeling a button seal is the answer but am really having difficulty working out how to get the snowdrop in (it needs a big gap) and still be able to do this. Capillary tube - hmmm.... I'm not sure, because you'd still need to attach the snowdrop stem to keep it all together. But it could work... Hmmmm..... It would be interesting because it turns the blowing end round. I just don't know if it would be feasible.


Elaine at Mead Moon  Facebook  Etsy


That is lovely, so delicate.  You really do some wonderful work Emma.
All I know is that whenever I try to even make anything remotely bottle like I end up with such a great big hole, and melt whatever I'm trying to put inside too  ::), then it ends up in the water kiln, or sitting on the bench reminding me not to try it again in too much of a hurry  ;D.


That's exactly it! Having said that, I wonder.. perhaps if the small hole end was engineered so that the snowdrop base only just fit through... might be worth another try!  :)


I just wouldn't have a clue how to do that Emma - just know it's beautiful :)
Diane x

Ian Pearson

Hmmmmmmmmmm well secret is to make sure you have nice "blob" on snow drop stem and I would have "bottle" half made with the end shaped that I seal the inner to outer. Pressume you are using tubing so using a long length would be easy to hold. Of course the inner will flop around a lot when heating the parts to seal but it looks like you have a few mm between inner wall and leaves/petal so shouldnt flop too much. Use gravity. Easier to demo than describe. Just beacuse I know how its done doesnt mean to say I can describe it - story of my life. Pop up to Lybsetr and I will show you!!


Thanks - that makes sense. I think I'm beginning to form a picture of where to go with it. The blob on the snowdrop stem and the shaped/'prepared' end are both things that I think I should have done! The inner does flop but you're right, there is space - and I think that if the blob graduates into the stem, it'll provide a bit of stability.


I wouldn't know where to start to do this!

A great idea and looks terrific.
