Newbie questions about shelves!

Started by SilverGems89, June 20, 2012, 05:44:38 PM

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ok, i think i am just about ready to have my first go at fusing in my new Ace (Scary!) but i have a few questions!

I bought a shelf (this one to be exact and it needs priming...i got haik brush and bullseye primer and i feel pretty confident to go ahead and do that, but then do i need to fire it to dry or just leave it out? Also in my kiln manual it says that if your using a shelf it doesn't need to be on props yet i know the SC2 shelf kit comes with them, so opinions on props or no props?

i'm sure there was something else i wanted to ask but i can't remember now...


flame n fuse

I haven't done it for a while, but basically you must get it dry - but you don't have to go to firing temperature. It'll change colour when it's dry. I guess that props help with air circulation around the shelf, so probably a good idea so long as your item isn't then getting too close to the top of the kiln


Shelf primer needs to go to around 200 degrees for half an hour I think, then its dried enough.


Quote from: Zeldazog on June 20, 2012, 07:26:09 PM
Shelf primer needs to go to around 200 degrees for half an hour I think, then its dried enough.

Thanks Dawn! does it need to be used straight after or can it sit around primed for a while?

Will look into some props, might try without first though just to see...

flame n fuse

they can sit around primed in a dry place for months, and you don't need to redo them every time you use them. (just check there are no cracks or flakey bits)


Yep, can sit around for ages, so long as as it stays dry.  You can also leave them to dry naturally if you have time.

When its dry, rub it gently with a piece of kitchen roll and the flat of your hand, smooths out all the brush strokes...

Have fun!