NEW vs Refurbished oxycons

Started by Lindy, March 02, 2012, 08:33:52 AM

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Is a refurbished oxycon as good as a new one?

I'm not very clued up on these things. I had assumed that a refurbished oxycon used to be used for something else eg medical reasons and then was altered for lampworking and a new one, is a new one made specifically for lampworking. Well, that was my guess.

So, is it worth spending twice the amount on a new one? Living in New Zealand I'm not sure how easy it would be for me to fix one. Is it better therefore to get a new one in the hope it will last longer?


Refurbished ones have had the filters changed, everything checked and a sticker put on them saying not for medical use. You don't really know how long they'll last or how much they've been used. New ones are still the same as medical ones, you just know that everything is new, fully under warranty and shouldn't wear out anytime soon.

They aren't altered for lampworking, we just connect a torch instead of a breathing mask to them!

Blue Box Studio

Personally, if I was going to have a problem getting repairs and spares, I'd opt for a new one if I could afford it.  As Kalorlo says, you don't know how long they are going to last, although most of us seem to have refurbs that have done a couple of years.  What are your options in NZ?  Have you a supplier?  Presumably if your hospitals use them they must have repairers?
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Actually most medical ones in service are refurbs too. My oxycon from tuffnells is in better condition than my neighbours medical one through air products.

I looked at some new ones most have pulse delivery now which is fine if you are breathing the oxygen in but not for running a torch.

Maintainace isn't that difficult,  I'm not totally clued in to that side yet but there's a fair few people that are and can talk you through it.

sarah t

might be worth having a word with kaz who has connections down under and she might be able to point you in the right direction

i think it comes down to money and how much you plan on using it ....a new one is a huge outlay and it will still need maintaining.... i would only consider a new one if i was planning on running a bigger torch/working with boro etc anything which needs two oxycons or one more powerful than the refubs

there is plenty of help on line etc for maintaining a refurb

Studio Girl

Mine is a refurbish from Tuffnell's and I've had it for nearly four years without a hitch
There are a few people who lampwork down in part of the country and at least a couple in Queenstown
if you haven't already had a chat with them maybe you could all get your heads together
good luck I hope you can sort this out


It might be better/easier to import a new oxycon from the USA as I don't think anyone in Europe actually makes oxyons.

If it's got a hole, it's a bead !


We are lucky here in the UK Martin at Tuffnells is great.  Steph might have the name of a supplier in Oz.  I have had my refurbed oxy for at least 3 years and no problems at all. :)


So, I think I'm going to have to grin and bear an outlay.

Oxygen here is so much, a medium sized tank is about 100 new zealand dollars (about fifty pounds) and then its about 25 dollars per month for tank rental. Having said that I honestly don't know what uk prices are, they could be more expensive for all I know.

Martin has been very helpful and I can get a refurbished one from but because I have a carlise torch it will run at approx 85%.

After working out shipping, customs etc etc, for twice the price, I can get a brand new oxy from australia which is 8lpm. My torch uses 7lpm apparently.

Now all I need to do is convince my husband.

My other dilemma is that I'm not actually any good yet and I need a lot more practice before I feel I can justify such an outlay, but 125 dollars per month on tanked oxygen soon adds up and I also like the idea of not having oxygen cylinders lying around since I live in an earthquake zone. Oh dear, dilemmas.

Thanks for everyones comments too, you have all been so helpful.

Kaz, I checked out affordable inspirations and its a good looking shop.


How long have you been lampworking for Lindy?

If it's got a hole, it's a bead !


I've not been lampworking for very long.
I had a lesson with Manda from Mangobeads back in, it was sooooo long 2009? Then I saved up and got a torch and kiln and played around for about 4months. Then I had a lesson with Helen in 2011. So a total of 4 months over three or four years really.

My work has meant I don't get much time, but from April onwards I am going to have more time to spend on it. I love it but because I've been doing it sporadically over the years I haven't improved much. I am embarrassed to admit it.  I've been working over seas for 6 months of the year and in the NZ summer I work practically every day for about 10 to 12 hours a day.

It doesn't stop me longing to play with that glass though, hence trying to work out the cheapest way to get oxygen.

sarah t

where do people who need oxygen generators/ concentrators get theirs from ?....might be worth getting in touch with them


Blue Box Studio

Probably provided by the NHS. 

I nearly bought a house with an oxygen point in every room and 2 oxycons but I hadn't discovered lampworking and to think I turned it down because we'd need to get that lot removed (you have to get NHS approved contreactors) and a proper bathroom installed.  For some reason the owner had not taken his oxycons when he moved to Spain. [Oh yeah, and it was too expensive, poor condition, no off street parking, and a few other downers ... but had I discovered lampworking then, it might have been a different story!].
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Helen G

Hi Lindy *waves and grins* break down the cost per month or week, whether tanks or oxy con, it's your hobby! Does hubby have a hobby? What does hubby's hobby cost?  ;)

P.S Hope life in NZ is good  :)


(and a wave back to helen).

Thank you for all your help. I found out that the guy in NZ who refurbishes oxycons has a few that he will look at in a few weeks time so if one of his is appropriate I'll get one of those.

In the meantime though my lovely husband said I could buy one of the new ones from OZ which is an 8lpm :-)

I just can't wait to play with glass. I look at the gallery all the time to see what pretty things people make. I would love to improve my skills over winter.