How do you get a button off the mandrel?

Started by Tollgate-Debs, October 29, 2009, 08:39:22 PM

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OK, I've made a button of sorts, but how do I get it off the two prone mandrel?

Help please!

Debs ::)


Soak it in water for a bit then give it some gentle wiggling?


No, what you do is try that. Then when that doesn't work, you put it into the freezer and then into boiling hot water. When that doesn't work, you try to smash it off with a hammer. When that doesn't work, you bin the lot and buy one of these:
Though she doesn't seem to have any on her website at the moment.
She's made of real glass. She got real real emotion. But my heart laughs I have that same sweet devotion!


 :D OK, I think I had already considered the subtle approach and it has been soaking for a fairly long time.  I've been doing some searching on the web and someone says use Olive Oil, which is next on my list!  Off to try that, but please I'd welcome any suggestions.

I don't want to smash it as it is a good two hole bead, although a big fat for a button!



I think Sal pointed out in another thread that the longer you soak the bead release for, the more difficult it becomes to remove the bead (or button) - though I can't remember what the optimum time was.
She's made of real glass. She got real real emotion. But my heart laughs I have that same sweet devotion!


Yep, I've definitely soaked too long and ended up with it totally stuck.  I did try olive oil on a student bead yesterday though and it worked! (thought I'd thought that one up for myself, tut  ;))


Double dip your mandrels next time :P
Diddnt know about the olive oil trick but I never get an issue with sticky beads, I love dirtylouie release and boroscilicate!


Thanks for the replies.  As yet, no movement, but if I have to concede defeat then I'll make sure that I sledgehammer it, to make up for the agro it is causing me.

Never had a problem with any other bead sticking, just this un.

Hubby on the case now to see what he can rustle up in the garage to make my own version of the one on youtube.



The one on You Tube is metal with rubber O rings but given the business end of the mandrels is so far away I reckon you could make on in wood with 4 grooves and some rubber rings.
She's made of real glass. She got real real emotion. But my heart laughs I have that same sweet devotion!



Your link led us to another link, which had a holder which seemed to use a form of brass earth terminal blocks, which would be much better. 

We do like a challenge!



I've made three buttons on some of those mandrels.  One I put back in the flame it shatter - mandrel available to make another button on it in future.  One I got of with soaking and cilit bang (don't use this method if you have cuts on your fingers.  I didn't know I had cut on my fingers til the cilit bang reached them and BOY did I know about it)  The third is still on the mandrel.  Will give the olive oil a go in the morning.

I will say that the one that came off did so after a few days.  It's like the metal needed to shrink more before it would give up the button!?!
-* -  Courage is going from failure to failure with out loosing enthusiasm -*-


The olive oil worked!  The button is off and in one piece. 

However, we are working on an alternative, as I don't think I'd ever manage to make a set with this form of viper mandrel! 

Debs  ;D


I know what you mean!!  You'll just have to use it as a marshmallow toasting fork.
-* -  Courage is going from failure to failure with out loosing enthusiasm -*-


I don't need much of an excuse to buy a bag of marshmallows, but I may have to try this one out!

Debs ;D


Can't you just make single hole buttons  ;D ??? ;D ???