What's your favourite Tutorial?

Started by Lush!, October 25, 2009, 11:35:01 AM

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I love buying tutorials ... I don't always do them, but I like buying them  ;D

This is my favourite http://www.frogsongstudio.com/store.html

What's yours?   ::)



Not a tutorial but I bought "passing the Flame" yesterday and can't put it down.
I followed the link to the tutotrial which looks great but can you tell me what glass is used as I hate getting a tutorial and finding out the glass used is not great with my hothead.



The main essential ingredients needed are silver foil, EDP and dark ivory, Nikki  :)


Helen G

Oh Julie........you naughty lady!!!! Now I've just bought another  ::)

The one I like the best so far out of the ones I bought is Anouks Making Silver Glass Sing. It really helped me to get to grips with working with the silver glasses.


Thanks Julie, I think i'll give this tutorial a go.


Sarah Hornik has 2 good tutorials: Think pink (about rubino oro) and 11 things to do with goldstone. Gorgeous pictures, several different ideas in each and she makes her beads on a Hothead!

I also have Anouk's Silver Glass one and Amy Kinschs Storm beads one: some fabulous effects that are quite straightforward to do, but they both need you to be able to adjust the flame to reducing & back to normal again, so possibly a bit tricky with a Hothead.

sarah t

i bought that one about a fotrnight ago julie...love the beads....... and can i get it to work !!!...and then you posted in show and tell ...you can go off people you know  ;)

but i have made the most fantastic champagne marble bead though (another good tut ) ...two skills mastered only took a week !!.... and  i managed to make a heart with a tut by someone called lush  ???

i think some of the freebies on here are fab

back to trying to make star bursts ...i will get it ...honest !


Val Cox Frit - Thai and Bali Silver 


Do you have a link to that one Shirley?

Sarah ... maybe we can get our heads together over your Starburst problem when you come over on the 14th  ;)



Val Cox Frit - Thai and Bali Silver 


She's made of real glass. She got real real emotion. But my heart laughs I have that same sweet devotion!


I like the storming tutorial too and the couple of Sarah Hornik´s and the first one showed in this thread. Then I have a nice tut with different animal prints, can not remember the name or writer at the mo.


Hi everyone

Nikki - could you let me know please how you get on with this tutorial on your HotHead please.  I've not bought a tutorial yet but saw these beads a couple of weeks ago and read her words on EDP and thought the beads looked amazing.  In her chat she said that she'd managed to get the look of the silver glasses without spending that amount of money.  But she also suggested a way of fuming dark ivory with EDP which I've tried on my HotHead and not managed to do.  I seem to be quite rubbish at doing anything too fancy on my HotHead so am reluctant to shell out on a tutorial that will end up looking like a normal bead when I try it.

Good luck anyway and I hope you manage to make some fab beads with your new tutorial.



I've only bought one tutorial so far, but then I'm still a beginner. I bought Amy's Storm tutorial after seeing the beads on here. OMG its amazing. I have a hothead and was a bit worried about reducing on it, but a few wraps of tinfoil and my oven glove seemed to do the trick to get a reducing flame.

Very nice tutorial. I went to buy making silver glass sing but it says out of stock??? how can that be right for a download?

does anyone know of a tutorial to make a jelly fish inside a bead/marble, not the seascape one.

like this http://artglassbygary.com/Jewelry-Designers/Jeremy-Sinkus/Jellyfish-Marble---Stand---Blue-Dome-p849.html


That jellyfish looks a bit like the one in Mary Lockwood's tutorial - you do it roughly the same way as making mushrooms in clear glass.