New Marble Toy! ***Now with a quick review

Started by Steampunkglass, September 09, 2009, 11:50:11 PM

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I have a new toy!!!!
It's  a multihole, infinate rim graphite marble mould! On one side are four holes, on the back is one BIG inch hole too.

For those of you who aren't marble bores (so probably anyone who isn't me! ;) :D ) this has special shaped conical dips to provide a better edge for making marbles - only the rim of a marble mould is normally used. By making them a sort of part conical shape it's meant to give a rim that's always a perfect size for the marble you put in it.

I don't know if it will really be any better than a regular one, but the graphite is really really good on it, so I am hoping so! It's also pretty solid made too, even the counter-weight finial has a little spiral pattern too!


this, i am not embarrassed to admit, is COOL!!!!

i am a trainee marble jockey myself!...  ;)



There'll be no stopping you now glenn!


Hamilton Taylor

I've contemplated buying one of these - would you let us know how you get on?
A nice big comprehensive review is in order, I think.   :)

Oh, with pictures!   :D




Is it possible to make marbles using a HH?


Having had a quick (only too brief) handle of this one, I have to say it is one incredibly sexy piece of kit! :D
It has a lovely weight to it and is enough on its own to start a marble obsession. Enjoy it ;D


What a lovely thing! Makes me want to make marbles just so I can buy one!


Don't worry I will quite happly bore you with lots of details as soon as I can sneak into the workshop to play with it and report back (if I can tear myself away from it  ;) )

As for making marbles with a hot head, I really don't knowfor sure, but I guess you could. I'm rubbish at making soft glass marbles, I really only use boro, it seems to need a lot of skill to do them in soft glass anyway (Bows to Seans marvlous marbles!) whereas boro is a bit more forgiving. I don't see why not though!


Oooh that's nice! *tool envy!*
My website:
Linz x


Quote from: Linz on September 10, 2009, 02:41:48 PM
Oooh that's nice! *tool envy!*

what she said, me want one NOW!!!!!!!

sam xx


I've now finally had a proper chance to play with this, and on ballance I would say it's very good! I still think it's a bit pricey, but I have found it's a lot quicker and easier to get marbles roughed out and into shape with it than using a traditional marble mould. The only problem I've found is sometimes it's too easy to get them smooth, and I had some marbles with slight dents that I didn't notice, whereas with the normal mould I could feel the dents as a slight catch as I run the marble around in it. I now give a quick pass through the old mould now just to be sure as I finish them off.

On the whole though I would say if you're going to make a lot of marbles it's worth getting one, I'm spending more time now working on designs rather than just sitting there beating them into shape.

Hamilton Taylor

Bizarre, I came to FH straight from Drew Fritts' site, where I was havering over ordering one! Not done it yet, but I think I prob'ly will, now...
