Fred's Frit Maker Pics

Started by Forester18, August 05, 2009, 12:23:01 PM

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OK. So I bought a masher from Martin. Ate several jars of jam. Drilled holes in the lids and Bingo made my own frit using bits of effetre from the bin - so they are the same COE. and graded as I want. Cost I reckon about 30p for 30 grms. It does take a bit of time to mash - but my time is my own and it's quite theraputic.


You have waaaay more patience than me! ;D


for chain maille supplies, kits & workshops, bespoke headpins, earwires and more! Meddle ye not in the affairs of dragons, for you are crispy and taste good with ketchup! Dragonfly (Lynne)


Fred you are a genius, did you have fun doing all that bashing? ;D

Sulis (Hazel)

Quote from: beadysam on August 05, 2009, 12:25:26 PM
You have waaaay more patience than me! ;D

Somehow I can't imagine you making all your frit like that Sam  :D

Frederick - that's a great idea with the jam lids!
Hazel x



Nice one! I was just contemplating getting a second-hand coffee grinder :)
Sabine x Ring Top Tutorial


That really is cool. Love the jam lid idea :D



It's saying picture currently unavailable ???.

Dying to see your pic :)



Quote from: Sam on August 05, 2009, 09:40:32 PM
It's saying picture currently unavailable ???.
Dying to see your pic :)

Me two  ;)

Pat from Canvey

Quote from: sparrow on August 05, 2009, 02:25:26 PM
I was just contemplating getting a second-hand coffee grinder :)
I got one from a boot sale for a couple of pounds. It works OK if you don't put too much glass in it at a time. Best to cut up glass shorts with rod nippers. Best to let all the glass dust settle before opening the top.


And it's wise to go over it with a magnet to remove any tiny bits of metal that might have got into the frit.


Use a mask or respirator if you are making or pouring frit about the place!!!! :o


and to make it real fun use nutella jars instead of jam ones ;)