oxycon beeping ???? ... any ideas // suggestions .......

Started by sarah t, May 31, 2009, 08:42:36 PM

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sarah t

this afternoon my new oxycon started beeping .....i turned everything off ......had a break and started it up again and about 5 mins into session started doing it again ........any ideas


Do a search Sarah - there's other threads abouth this somewhere - I would look for you but am just dashing out.

sarah t

i have searched for ' oxycon bleepiing ' and 'oxycon problem' .....but cannot find any link to answer question...

its not the start up bleep ...its another one that does not stop till i turn off unit.......every few seconds bleep  ???


Strangley enough mines doing it too tonight, after about the 6th time it stopped doing it.  I moved it away from the wall to get more air around it as my studio was very warm.  Then it was OK.  I know they don't like damp, maybe they don't like heat either!




Back now. I have just done a very quick search but cant find anything either. Perhaps best idea is to phone Martin tomorrow.

Good luck x

sarah t

i did wonder if it was a heat / air intake problem ........hopefully it will be better behaved tomorrow  ;)....hope so cus martin is away being godly isnt he ?


erm, I am by no means ANY expert on oxycons (in fact, I don't have a clue), but apparently they can be a bit temperamental sometimes, in that the fan refuses to start, or simply stops after a few minutes, which will result in a beeping complaint and shut down. In fact, mine does it about 3 times before it decides to play cool and keep going beautifully for the rest of the session.

What you need to do (this advise was given to me by someone who does know something about oxycons) is to lift the front of the oxycon about an inch off the ground and....drop it!!  :o Most often this will sort her out and she will start huffing and puffing like normal. Sometimes she will start by herself without any abuse (just leave her to beep for a little bit), and sometimes she just needs an encouraging slap on the lower left side (I believe that's where her fan is situated).

Mine has been like this since last October! I thought it was because it started to get cold, but she still misbehaves, so I keep having a go at her.
Julie xx

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sarah t

thanks ladies ...if he plays up again tomorrow i will put his face to the wall and smack his bottom   ::)......and if he does not behave then .......just wait till uncle martin gets home ... he will give him what for !!


Sometimes they will beep if there's an interruption to the power. It sounds obvious but just check the "kettle lead" at the back of the unit. It may not be pushed in far enough. There's usually an internal battery which powers an alarm if the power is cut off. Could it be this?

Dragonfire Glass

Quote from: Redhotsal on May 31, 2009, 11:16:13 PM
Sometimes they will beep if there's an interruption to the power. It sounds obvious but just check the "kettle lead" at the back of the unit. It may not be pushed in far enough. There's usually an internal battery which powers an alarm if the power is cut off. Could it be this?

That's what mine was.

sarah t

thanks i will check ...i am hoping it is something simple ......dont know why i did not check cable  ::) ..think the bleeping freaked me out a bit lol...........

fingers crossed he is a happy oxycon tomorrow ...