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Started by ebj, May 21, 2009, 01:44:56 PM

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I've been trawling through lots of old posts this morning after my second haul from the kiln is all cracked. I'm encasing Silver DH glass with lauschia clear. And its not liking it. I've wasted two days. I'd say 85% have cracked - and the way they are craking it looks like its a probelm with compatibility What do you peeps who use silver glass and encase it use??

Am I missing something? I did read that I should be putting the bead into the kiln while still quite hot. I'd be happy to try it but cant afford to waste more rods of that glass. or more time. Any words of wisdom gratefully recieved!


Art Clay Senior Instructor & Lampworker


I use effetre crystal clear. I haven't tried lauscha, sorry..


Lauscha doesn't like silver glass, I'm afraid Emma. I encase with Precision clear (aka Diamond clear). It's the base for their silver colours so it's good. DH do Aether clear now, but I've not tried it.


Thanks guys.

mary - thats so good to know, I guess I have found out the hard way - but at least I know I wasnt doing anything wrong lol! its been a while since I have encased so i was woindering. :D

I'll  have to get me some of this glass then- Precision Clear? Where can I get me some of that then. Anywhere in the UK?

Many thanks :D   

Art Clay Senior Instructor & Lampworker


Martin usually has it but I think he's out. Q has it too I think.


I find that I have no problems with Pysche and Terra with Lauscha but the others are dodgy. It absolutely hates Pandora. Effetre clear is probably the most stable with silvered glass if you can get some nice clean Effetre.


Thanks Sal, maybe I am doing something wrong, as these beads were psyche. And triton. All have cracked. One I thought had survived but when I looked at it again ten mins ago its gone too :( Bummer! I'll try good old Effetre. Mines ancient, but I'll make ONE bead and see if it survies :)   

Just tried Marting and he is indeed out Mary lol.

Art Clay Senior Instructor & Lampworker


Emma - I would recommend Effetre 006 crystal clear!
She's made of real glass. She got real real emotion. But my heart laughs I have that same sweet devotion!


I use reichenbach clear and so far have had no cracking problems. Just to be sure I've been wearing some encased triton and aurae pressed beads over the last 4 weeks and still no cracks. The clear also seems to keep really clean too, apart from a little tendancy to boil and bubble when first in the flame but that is probably due to me!!!
~ BEV ~      


off-mandrel have it - look under effetre transparent - and you want 006 - nice clear!  ;D

princess pink

another vote for effetre 006 crystal clear x