gas detector

Started by mindy23, February 11, 2007, 01:28:18 PM

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Afternoon all, finally I have something relevant (maybe) to add!  I was at Lidl yesterday and they had a little gas leak detector for only £9.99.  It just plugs in to an ordinary socket and has an audible alarm in the event of any leaks, it detects propane, butane and ordinary gas.  I dont know if anyone will be interested or not but I just thought i'd mention it. ... hope i put this in the right place, back out to continue my struggle with rocio now.

It could be much worse, but... it could also be much, much better...


Hmmmm.... What a good idea.  May have a wander along to our local one tomorrow and have a look.  Thanks for the heads up  :)


Hey...thats a good idea...also a cabon monoxide detector is a good thing to have in the studio as well. Sometimes you can find combination smoke/carbon monoxide detectors in the home centers.

Kilns, Torches, Tools & Supplies for Lampworking and Fusing


Looks like a great piece of kit to have.... must look into that myself !!


I got the same gas detector and it makes me feel a lot safer! I would definitely recommend it. I've plugged it in near the floor as propane is heavier than air and hovers just above ground level. Peace of mind works wonders, when it comes to creativity!  :)


I got a wand type carbon monoxide detector and it hovers on the shelf in front of my worktop beeping at me if anything occures (rarely). He doesnt say much but hes nice to have around. Picked him up very cheaply off ebay


Good point about having the detector at floor level, never thought of that...

It could be much worse, but... it could also be much, much better...


Oh I got a carbon monoxide detector, but a gas one would be ace too! ta for that