Bead making - do you do it professionally or just for fun?

Started by Redhotsal, March 05, 2009, 05:32:51 PM

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Do you make beads for money, for fun or for both?

Do you make beads for a living?
17 (17%)
Do you make beads to sell but have a different "day job"
48 (48%)
Do you make beads just for fun?
35 (35%)

Total Members Voted: 87


I'm just about to drop my hours at work to the absolute minimum (10 hours a week! whooopee!) so I won't quite have to pay Mr Tesco with bead money but I already spend more time at the torch than doing anything else, so I've ticked the top one.


I do it just for fun, but I've made rather a lot of cr*p lately so it's been less fun  :(
However I'm hoping that after a masterclass with a certain fab beadmaker/teacher I'll be able to start selling a few  ;)  :D


I went for the 2nd option, I don't have another job, but it feels like it sometimes with all the stuff that goes on around's my only 'job' but it's part time, my husband makes the 'living'  :)

Sandra J



I voted for the first option. I'm not making enough to live on ( have a husband with a job) but it is moving in the right direction.


I spend more time at the torch than at my job, but after all I spend on glass, I must make more money from my job, so I chose the second option..

Lyn G

I went for the second option.  I do have a part-time job, which is coming to an end in a couple of months :( :( 

However, if I could sell more beads I would definitely choose to do this full time.  If I don't sell more soon I think I'll have to look for another job.  :( :(


I am trying to be in that category too Sabine. At the moment I am half succeeding and tending to work 3 or 4 days a week (but some weeks it is 5 days and some weeks maybe 2 or 3 (not often!)). My aim is to move to a slightly cheaper house with a big garage, outhouse or similar to convert to a proper studio where I can hold classes and have guest classes etc. not just in beadmaking and jewellery, but other crafts too. I have seen one in Wilmslow with a detached brick built garage approx 20ft by 16ft with pitched roof - it would be perfect and it is affordable. Oh there's a small semi-detached house that comes with it too!!! The only problem is we have a house to sell first! I am also getting lots of enquiries about teaching but again I am a bit torn on that because although it is very enjoyable, it eats into my own beading time - both from a productivity and creativity angle. Ah well, life is never perfect I suppose - but at least I do get the chance to bead for more time most weeks than many on here.
She's made of real glass. She got real real emotion. But my heart laughs I have that same sweet devotion!


Sabine - that is my aim as well. getting there slowly, think it may be longer that 18 months but I am learning patience!!!


I've voted too. I'd love to kick the day job down to a couple of days, but since I don't ever intend to inflict my teaching abilities on anyone, I don't think it would ever be that practical. Maybe one day... :)


I voted too ;D I do it for fun(and I make beads for fun too..ooooerrr missus ;) ) but I am lucky enough to be abel to do it full time and actually make money too.
Emma xx



Quote from: Redhotsal on March 05, 2009, 05:45:36 PM
The commute to the shed is only 2mins so I guess there are some advantages.... :)

2 mins commute  - Sal are you taking the scenic route!!! I thought you just tripped out the back door!

Dee Dee

I've voted for two, but I don't exactly fit into that category!  I'm a domestic goddess whose DH brings home the bacon, so don't have another job - but am hoping in the future I will earn something to at least cover the amount I have spent (will have to sell a lot of beads!) and my DH is hoping that too ;)

Steph x

Wishing Wells Glass

Quote from: Josephine on March 05, 2009, 07:52:21 PM
I voted for the first option. I'm not making enough to live on ( have a husband with a job) but it is moving in the right direction.

Ooh, I voted for the first option too but it is my husband who actually pays all the bills.  I do still work full-time and definitely contribute to our household though.. that counts, right?
