A moral dilemma - foreign lampwork beads......

Started by Kaz, November 07, 2008, 11:18:42 AM

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Rachel B

Sell on the bay Kaz, like josephine said, be upfront about what they are and don`t put SRA in the same breath as them.  Lots of newbie jewellery makers want these beads, try and recoup your money back!


I think you have all managed to convince me I won't be doing anything illegal, immoral or unethical by offloading them and it would be great to clear the decks and get some dosh in for glass etc. I have loads of other beads and stuff which I really love but these are like a horrible reminder of a former me that was not sufficiently discerning - though I would not have stooped to 3 necklaces for a tenner as I have always been more into handmade stuff.
She's made of real glass. She got real real emotion. But my heart laughs I have that same sweet devotion!


A lady who is on the school run with me was talking to me the other day. She's seen my work and I've done a few little bits and bobs for her but nothing major (and for once I haven't ticked on and on about beads!). She said that since she's known me she has now become, in her words, a bead snob, and won't buy the usual imported beady fare. She'd rather save up and buy something truly handmade and different.
Rock on!  ;D


Let us know when you list them ladies, I go to my son's school 3-4 times a year and the kids make presents for their friends and rellies, they absolutely love it.  That is how I used up my surplus, they work fast those little fingers!  One little girl made 4 necklaces in 30 minutes!! I'm always looking to take them in something different to the ones they have been raking through for 2 years!!!