how much do you rely on presses?

Started by dunkster, March 30, 2010, 01:04:45 AM

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I'm finding this all rather interesting.

up until about may this year I would have said I really don't get on with presses, why do I need them, they're expensive and I never got good results with the one I had and sold it.

I then bought a straight lentil press, and I loved it, soo easy to use compared to the others I had tried (a non ss lentil and a charm box) I loved the beads I could make, I saw them as a base for other stuff, not as a shape in itself, though I do use them like that sometimes.
I think, in the meantime (nearly 2 years) I became a much better beadmaker, and can make better use of the range of tools I can get my hands on!

I'm now somewhat of an addict! I love presses! I have ...ermm...quite a few!
there are some shapes that are nearly impossible or really really time consuming to do by hand(or marver!)

oooh Krysia, I would have had some words to say on that front! don't let him near me whatever you do!

I have never ever ever liked making sets, I still dont really. but my rollers and my presses make it bearable, and I like the sets that I make much more than almost any set I made without them (not that there were many! pairs and mixed type sets mainly!) I made mostly bhbs and large focals for a long while.

I think, at the end of the day its just a tool, if you like it, and use it well and make good beads faster than you would without, great. I make pressed beads and handshaped beads, I like both, theres something great about the freedom of a handshaped bead that I never realised before presses. I still prefer to do hearts without one.

I wouldnt say I rely on presses, but I think I would probably bite anyone who tried to take them away from me!


Quote from: MadelineBunyan on November 28, 2011, 08:16:54 PM

oooh Krysia, I would have had some words to say on that front! don't let him near me whatever you do!

You'll be pleased to hear I got the last word in.  I don't think I changed his mind, life's too short to attempt that.  I told him that I didn't think he was fair to say pressed were the easy option and that there are some truly amazing beads out there made out of presses.  (yes Julie, yours did pop into my mind as I was telling him that  ;) )

-* -  Courage is going from failure to failure with out loosing enthusiasm -*-