Why are 4mm rods so much more expensive?

Started by sparrow, March 17, 2011, 10:19:02 AM

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Just curious......3mm, 6mm, 7mm, 10mm....they're all the same price (sorry, I'm talking clear here!), then 4mm - BAM! I thought I could make do with 3mm, but`4mm are my favourites...............so, why am I shelling out more on what seems an arbitrary measurement? Just curious!
Sabine x

www.littlecastledesigns.co.uk www.facebook.com/littlecastledesigns Ring Top Tutorial

Ian Pearson

May I ask where you are getting them from? Depends on quantity. I buy in standard packs, 1500mm long form Smith Scietific Ltd. prices are different there.



Hi Ian, I've been quite lazy and checked out the usual suspects for bead makers (even though I don't make beads with them...) so that's Tuffnell (who doesn't have any 4mm at the moment, but when they did, it was twice the price) and Meltinglass (difference between £5 per 250g fo 4mm and £3.50 per 250g for all others) - Off Mandrel is down at the moment, but when I last looked to buy, they pretty much matched Tuffnell's. I suppose I'm just confused as to why one particular thickness should be harder to pull, more work-intensive, etc.
Sabine x

www.littlecastledesigns.co.uk www.facebook.com/littlecastledesigns Ring Top Tutorial


Hi Sabine
I can't answer the question, when I purchased all the clear I was amazed that the 4mm was more expensive, I suppose there is more of it per kilo, that may be the wrong answer, I don't know really. I have loads in stock so if you want some please place an order.


:) I didn't think you were making the price up ;) But the 3mm is the same price as everything else, too.......bizarre. I'll eek out what I have for a little while longer, an then I'll get ready to pounce :)
Sabine x

www.littlecastledesigns.co.uk www.facebook.com/littlecastledesigns Ring Top Tutorial

Maria Louisa

If you want I can bring some for you to the Flame Off.
I wasn't planning on bringing mandrells but I could if anybody wants.
The 4mm are not problem for me, it's my favorite size also.


Thanks Maria Louisa,

it's not mandrels I'm after, but borosilicate glass rods :)
Sabine x

www.littlecastledesigns.co.uk www.facebook.com/littlecastledesigns Ring Top Tutorial