HELP ME PLEASE! My new Hot Head torch won't light, boo hoo!

Started by Mand, April 17, 2008, 07:27:55 PM

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Help! ??? :'( :'( :'( :'(

Shed up, hot head torch connected to bulk propane, first chance since Monday when it was all assembled to have a go at my first bead. Put match to hot head, turned screw half turn, gas hissing gently but it keeps blowing out!

I have now got through half a BIG box of cooks matches and still no "efn"  :-X flame (pardon french, I AM VERY UPSET!) HELP! HELP! HELP! Can anyone suggest what might be the trouble? I have tried lots of gas a litttle gas, opening shed door, closing shed door. Nothing's happening.

I want to screaaaaaaammmmm>............ :'( :'( ??? ??? :-X I've been looking forward to this since February. sob........ Any suggestions or advice would be most helpful - (cylinder is new, purchased Monday, but I have to say it doesn't slosh - should it?)


Have you tried the regulator on different settings? I had a cylinder that wouldn't light, so I put it right by me, tightened the regulator down, turned on the torch, and then tried opening the regulator to the point where it would light.
Val Cox Frit - Thai and Bali Silver 


Arrggh Mand, thats not good....there is a thread somewhere as this happened to someone else...I'll go see if I can find it


Put your hand round the holes at the base of the torch just while you light, take your hand away slowly and voila - it works, I promise  ;D

Black Heart Beads

Quote from: Lush! on April 17, 2008, 07:34:23 PM
Put your hand round the holes at the base of the torch just while you light, take your hand away slowly and voila - it works, I promise  ;D

Yep I light mine with the foil collar up


Happened to me when I was on a hothead with a full bottle of propane. I twiddled the regulator til it started lighting (pardon the technical terminology ;D)

Also I found it easier when I went to Maplin and got one of these

It's called a turboflame and I find it much easier to light my torch with it.


This happened to me right at the start - use a bbq style lighter, and have the gas turned up quite high.. opposite to logic, as I spent ages trying to light it with less and less gas.. and you need to hold the little flame just to the side of the gas flow.. it'll come in the end.



:oCan you tell that I've lit it?! Just as well as I was beginning to get chest twinges, not good. Thanks guys for your speedy responses and advice, :-* and Vicki -thanks- :-*- we think alike -I found that thread simultaneously as you posted it! Can't believe the solution was a collar of value tin foil! I've made 4 beads, one was wonky, then it started getting dark so I had to stop. Shame I haven't got light in my shack yet ..... ran out of dosh for deluxe finishing stuff like cladding and insulation, maybe next year! I'll be having beady dreams 2nite! TTFN.



Hello all,

Just having the same problems as you all.  My hot head won't light.  I've followed your advice and made a collar of foil & yes it lights, but I can't get the flame more than a few millimetres from the top of the torch.  If anyone can help please reply!!!  As you all can imagine I'm desperate to get creating!!!! 

Waiting hopefully for your help!! 

Thank you !



I find that you need to "coax" the flame up. In other words - keep the flame quite small to begin with. As the flame heats up the cowl of the torch you can gradually turn the flame up. Do it really gradually or it will just blow out the flame. When the torch has warmed up the torch will stay lit.

Another way to help this is not to uncover the holes all at once. Get a foil collar on a "handle" (so that you dont' burn yourself) and gradually let the collar slide down as the flame gets bigger. Again if you uncover the holes too quickly the rush of air will blow out the flame.


I had a similar problem when I got my conversion kit set up, hubby fiddled with the regulator until it lit, and at first the flame was above the collar, but it's settled down now...
I was very worried though... :-[
All is fine four days in!
Trying harder every day!