Bead release (fusion) is cracking

Started by CeeGeeJewellery, October 18, 2009, 02:28:55 PM

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Does anyone know why the bead release on my mandrels has started cracking in the flame? I've been using it without any problems right up until yesterday, but today it just isn't behaving. Could the drop in temperature have affected it? It's a lot colder today than it has been.


mine too, I'm getting the glass a lot hotter before I wind it on, and not pulling at all.

Have you thinned it at all?  Give it a really good shake ( make sure the lid is on tight) or a good old stir.



Mine suddenly started cracking a while back.  I figured it might be because I had thinned the mix down a bit too much, so I wiped off all my mandrels and dipped them again with a thicker mix, but it still continued.
Then - flash of revelation.  I was poking holes - and was pressing down too hard, result - cracked bead release.  I changed to a shallower poker and all was well.

I have also noticed that if I work a bead a long time, particularly if I am concentrating on the ends, it sometimes gives way.  I imagine it doesn't like being overcooked.


I've tried shaking and stirring, think I need to try diluting some of it. It's cracking really early so isn't due to the glass being overworked.


I now dilute mine with de-ionised water (instead of tap water) and I have found that the mixture behaves better.  Also, the weather has cooled a bit so you may be over-heating your mandrel a bit too far to compensate.  Try not to get the bead release too hot (e.g. getting the bead release 'red' hot instead of just 'orange' hot) and for too long, as this can crack it. 
Charlotte x


Well diluting it seems to have done the trick! Thanks for the replies everyone  :).


I have always used Fusion but find it is better if it has dried on the mandrel than flame-drying it. I tend to prep mandrels the night before and leave them on top of the kiln so they dry out nicely!
She's made of real glass. She got real real emotion. But my heart laughs I have that same sweet devotion!


how long do you leave them if they are drying naturally?

I have been double dipping and this seems to be helping a lot.  I am also about to stick a mega fugly in the bottom of my tub to help with the mixing when I am shaking it (got this tip from Q)
-* -  Courage is going from failure to failure with out loosing enthusiasm -*-


You need to really mix it well - a cheap cappucino wisk works well. Also, you will get the problem of bead release cracking if your mandrels aren't properly clean. New mandrels especially should be cleaned in hot soapy water to get rid of any grease or oil and then give them a scrub with a nylon scourer to create a key on the metal.


Looks like I will be cleaning mandrels this afternoon :)   Thank you Sal
-* -  Courage is going from failure to failure with out loosing enthusiasm -*-


I find it tends to crack if it gets too thick.

sarah t

i try and air dry if possible otherwise i get cracking ...but dont leave them about to long .......i had a couple  not grab the glass today which i guess is just having to adjust to the temperature in my shed ....

Pat from Canvey

One reason why the mandrel doesn't grab the glass is that the mandrel itself is not hot enough.