Totally new to this fusing malarkey

Started by lemon kitten, September 18, 2013, 06:28:14 PM

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lemon kitten

Hi there,

Many of you on this forum will know Lemon Kitten (me).  I've been Lampworking for 6 years plus now.  For a long time I've really fancied having ago at fusing.  I have absolutely no idea where to start to how to go about it.  What is the best glass to use? Will my SC2 fuse at the right temp? What indeed is the right temp/schedule.  What is kiln wash? How do I use it? Do I fuse on the kiln floor or use my shelf?.......see......complete numpty.  Can anyone advise me please on how to just start and get going?   I'd be everso grateful.  It's all a black art to me!

Janey xxx
Never stand up in a canoe!



I know nothing about fusing, but it appears that Warm Glass have a good tutorial on getting started in Fusin, starting on this page (there's a link at the bottom to carry on to the next bit of it:


There is quite a lot of info in the fusing board on this forum, Janey.  I have been doing some recently and started after reading up on Warm Glass, this forum and other tutorials that are around.  I think there are schedules on the forum.

Here's a Warm Glass tut on coasters -

Quite a lot of tuts and info on here -

There are also quite a few other sites with lots of info if you google them.  You can fuse a coaster or small trinket dish in an SC2.  That's what I started with  :)

If you struggle to find a schedule, just pm me  :)


There are quite a few tuts on Delphi site, too some of these are using Spectrum glass, whereas I use Bullseye, but you can modify the firing schedules as necessary.

There is also You Tube, lots of stuff on there.  Creative Glass Guild do some guides and videos about cutting glass etc

I think Warm Glass do a starter kit if you want one.

Hope that all helps  :)


Are you going to be fusing coasters and plates etc. or jewellery?  If you're doing pendants, earrings etc. then dichroic glass is brilliant!  I use bullseye glass and compatible dichro from Warm Glass.  When I'm doing coasters or slumping plates and stuff I still get a bit of dichro in, it's so shiny and beautiful ;D ;D.
My SC2 copes really well, and easily gets up to fusing temps.  For jewellery and coasters I use the kiln shelf, covered with ceramic paper (Thinfire), but for slumping you need a mould coated with kilnwash.




Hi Lemon kitten, fusing for me is something that I continue to learn new things about even after about 8 years.  You can get hold of basic fusing schedules which are a good starting point but you will need to carry out lots of tests as each kiln fires differently.  I used to work only with float and float compatible frits but now I also use Bullseye glass (not together) from Glass Studio Supplies who give an excellent service :)


Hello again Janey :) I started off my glass obsession with a bit of fusing - great fun! Lots of information on the fusing board. One tip I'd give is use a spirit level to make sure the floor of your kiln is flat. I raised mine on stacks of twopence coins to level it :) :)
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