fusing odd beads together

Started by flowerjasper, April 15, 2012, 11:53:56 AM

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Rob and i have been having a go making coasters ,
I have loads of odd beads, I realise i cant mix the coe`s but could  I fuse them together? then maybe slump to make a dish?
We have been using a full fuse firing setting on the kiln, would that the right one to fuse the beads or is it a case of trying 3 or 4 beads and seeing what happens?
sandy x


Sandy I think you will probably find that you full fuse the COE 104 glass at a lower temperature than Bullseye - I think - so I'd suggest trying with a 3 or 4 beads first to get that part right.

Look forward to seeing the results!


thanks dawn will look up 104 temps  ;)


I fuse old beads at around 825, then if you are making a bowl you would need to fuse them together flat first, then slump them in a 2nd fusing over or into a mould.
Sooz     '(0,0)'



thanks for that , there are some in the kiln at the moment... so fingers crossed ;D