Help please fusing for the first time

Started by Fiona, December 20, 2011, 04:56:03 PM

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Can someone please help I've read too much and am confusing myself?

I want to make some basic coasters (clear glass with frit and stringer on top) as a Christmas present.  I have a Prometheus Pro-7 kiln so similar to an SC2.

Question 1: Is it ok to put the coasters on the floor of the kiln as I don't own a shelf?  I think it is and the floor looks straight but like I say I've read far too much on the subject so I'm panicking now I'm ready to try it.

Question 2: I thought just thinfire paper was all I needed on the shelf floor but on ordering (again I read too much) I ended up buying Eco Fibre paper too.  Do I need to put the fibre paper on the shelf floor with the thinfire on top of that or is it ok to just use the thinfire paper only?

I being paranoid that I'm going to ruin my kiln so any help will be gratefully received.



Ok scrap these questions.  I've been googling and it appears I do need a shelf so bang goes that present.  :(


It could always be a happy new year present once you've got your shelf! :) ;)


It ended up being a Xmas present after all as the lovely Michaela (micpru) fused them for me.  ;D. I'm so pleased as it was for my sister and was her favourite present from me.  :) :) :)