Experiments :)

Started by sparrow, November 10, 2011, 09:25:43 PM

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I had a fun three or four hours at a friend's today, being her pet pupil. I left her with three experiments, which will go into her kiln over the next few days - none of them are big, and none are designed to be pretty (picture 4-5 different test reactions within a 15x15cm piece), they're simply all tests to try out for things to come - wish me luck :)
Sabine x

www.littlecastledesigns.co.uk www.facebook.com/littlecastledesigns Ring Top Tutorial


Julie xx

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Ooh, I love experiments, good luck. Janet


Fingers crossed here too   :)


fingers and toes crossed, experimenting's great it expands possibilities.


Quotethey're simply all tests to try out for things to come - wish me luck

ooo, sounds like you are plotting something interesting!  :) Good luck!!!


Good luck, wondering what you're planning!  ;D


Lol, a few of the Follies for Follies projects will involve sheet glass, in a variety of ways - but I figured before I mess about with large panels, I'd better mess with something smaller :)
Sabine x

www.littlecastledesigns.co.uk www.facebook.com/littlecastledesigns Ring Top Tutorial