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Tutorial for all you marble buffs

Started by Bobbo, March 06, 2011, 07:49:58 PM

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Just thought I'd give a mini review of "Implosion secrets by Ron Bearer jr"

Firstly I have to say that this tut gives one of the finest explanations of implosions that I have ever seen with lot's of examples to illustrate the point so that even someone like me who has no ability to visualise concepts like implosions can get it!

Lot's of a-ha moments ( of the light bulb going on sort not of the Norwegian pop sensation variety!)

And wonderful recipes too!

Now I just need my second oxycon back from it's service by the wonderful Tuffnells so i can play. (£85 including pick up and delivery - Bargain)

Go and buy it, you really won't be disappointed.



Hi Rob, I have seen loads of really positive reviews for this tut on lampworketc  and have been thinking of investing in it, you might just have swayed me.


Absolutely - I got it despite working in soft glass (and I don't make marbles... yet). I've been doing off-mandrel pendants. It's really good and the colour recipes are still generalisable to soft glass. It made a huge difference in what I could make straight away - I was finding it really difficult to work out how changes to what I started out with would alter the resulting implosion. So I had to just do it and see what mess I ended up with. Now they make a lot more sense and it's easier to tell what I need to do to begin with to get the result I want.

He goes into designs, colours and canes for the designs, and brings out updates that get rolled into the main tutorial and sent to everyone who's bought it already. And as a bonus, there'll be a marble from him turning up in the post at some point!

Don't be worried about the page count when you get it - it's very dense and has masses of information packed in there. We're on 21 pages and counting now. I have weeks and weeks of things I still want to try from it. I think the next update is going to be the last and I seem to recall it's going to be on multi-directional implosions?

I'm still having to sit on what I've been making because I made a thing for someone (before getting the tutorial) and can't show pictures yet because it'll give it away  :D


Thank for posting that up, I think I'm going to have to make a purchase or two.. ;D

My second onycon is just sitting there looking at me saying when are you going to use me........
