
Started by Sandera, March 16, 2010, 01:50:13 PM

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Does anyone subscribe to a journal/magazine that covers fusing, slumping, glass projects, etc? I don't do beading, well not yet!! I've looked at some of your websites and absolutely luurve the beads you are making but must, must, must concentrate on larger projects for now. Must not be distracted....!!!!

So can you recommend a magazine?


Pat from Canvey

Glass Patterns Quarterly at but I have a subscription. I've never seen it on general sale in UK.


Thanks for that link Pat, I'd not heard of those.  Although I really can't do any more subscriptions at the moment, as I already have Crafts, Craft & Design, Artists Newletter and joined the CGS... and I barely have time to look at these as it is!


Quote from: Pat from Canvey on March 20, 2010, 08:53:24 AM
Glass Patterns Quarterly at but I have a subscription. I've never seen it on general sale in UK.

Thanks Pat. I might see if my newsagent can get me a copy. I looked at the sample magazine but couldn't really tell if it's what I'm after. I'm looking for inspiration rather than patterns. Have you found it useful?