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impatience or ??

Started by sarah t, May 07, 2009, 07:05:20 PM

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sarah t

after a trek into town to get a bigger wrench i got my bulk connected and made a few blobs on a stick ...think my signature beads might be the old chewing gum on a stick range lol.........any way is it impatience or what cus the hot head seams veeeeeeeeery slow to heat up the glass ........i have fiddled with the regulator etc but it does not seam to make much difference?... i had my lesson with julie using a minor so maybe i was expecting too much  ?........any suggestions welcome


I know what it's like when you're trying to get used to a new torch - can be very frustrating ???
You've got a BIG difference there from a minor to a HH (says she who's only played on a minor four times(thank you Sulis!), but has a lot of experience with a HH! ;D) One thing being the noise!
Yes, the HH isn't going to be soo hot, but it will melt glass eventually!!!!
How big are the beads you're making? I can remember sitting there for over 20mins waiting for one of my more "ambitious" big hole beads to go round - but it did in the end!!!
Are you using the same sized rods as you did during the lesson?
Why not try some "soupy" glass, like moretti white and see how long it takes, then a stiff transparent to judge the difference?
I found I used to start moving closer and closer to the torch in the belief that it would melt quicker - try melting some gathers on the end of a rod and pull them into stringers, might help you find the sweet spot :D, every torch must have one!
One other thought - do you need a new tank? I found that things took a lot longer when the pressure was down.
Regulator - don't know what bar you've got, but try opening it up all the way and regulate on the torch?
I'm not an expert by any means, just remembering what advice I was given - hope it helps?
Good luck and never ever give up ;)

princess pink

i had this problem recently, was convinced my hot head was dying. turn the 4 bar regulator clockwise (with the torch lit) and you will see the flame get bigger/more powerful once its all the way clockwise. I then turned mine back just a little and found a flame i was happy with. I had it all the way the other way before and it would barely melt white glass which is usually so easy to make!

sarah t

thanks....... i will fiddle  with the regulator again today ...and keep my eye open for a nortel etc........wanting to run before i can walk maybe ...but i see fab beads made using a hot head so i know it can be done ...but i think in aonther thread julie said she lasted about a week with her hot head and decided it was not for her ...think i may be one of those  impatient chicks who want more


Have patience - I was just the same a couple of months ago, it does seem to take awhile especially if you are making a large bead, very frustrating if you are not a patient person (that's me), but I have managed to achieve this bead this week, quite pleased with it although I can't get it off the mandrell, make a lovely plant pot decoration.

Having said all that I am going to upgrade in the near future, but I think I am learning quite a lot by having a HH first.


I like that bead up there^^^

One thing about turning your regulator all the way up, it melts lots faster but when I did it I kept getting black beads, I think turning it up reduced the cranberry and other pinks I was using (couldn't be burnt or you'd not be able to use the hotter torches). Why did I do it, coz I knew I was getting to the bottom of my gas so kept turning it a bit more and a bit more to get the last of the gas out. When I got a new tank I'd forgotten so didn't turn it down, full tank plus full on regulator, wow!


Hey Sarah, I hope you're getting used to your torch now.  I've got some mapp gas now so that I can show students just what a Hot Head is like when its lit, but there's no way I could actually teach with it - too noisy!!

Actually you're wrong - I lasted 3 weeks  :D

sarah t

sorry julie for underestermating your  patience two weeks lol.........


After having a lesson with Julie on her fab torch, I was a bit impatient with my HH.. I've kind of got used to the slow way now.  Some of my beads are pretty big and have taken an hour or so.  It's a PITA when I'm using transparent glass, but I'm going to stick with it for the time being, mainly because I can't afford an oxycon etc right now....  I haven't managed to turn my regulator at all though... ???


Uh oh, they're ganging up on me ....  :o

Ness, I think you might have to get down on your hands and knees to look at your regulator setting, I think you'll find the indicator under the knob, if that makes any sense!

sarah t

i have bought some ear plugs !!!.........i am getting used to it and its good for learning stringer control etc but lordy im getting through gas cus it takes so long to do any thing  >:( ...and i welded three really nice beads to their mandrels today  >:(.......and one split in half  >:( a mixed day ..........if you fancy going back to the hot head julie i will swop ya  ;)