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Started by Sarah999, May 01, 2009, 01:15:04 AM

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I just made some bead sets for my BF's mum and Brothers GF.
But they are coming tomorrow and I dont have time to get them annealed.
I flashed them in and out of the flame and put them in glass wool to cool slowly.
Is this likely to be enough? Or will they crack?



that's a toughie - I used to do that before I got a kiln - some cracked there and then, some cracked days later, and some were okay.

It's better if they're annealed, especially if they're gifts.  Why don't you show them your beads, tell them what you're going to make, get the beads annealed, then make up the fnished jewellery?


Calico Cat

Where abouts are you?

Just wondered if anyone else here could do them for you overnight?


PS I'm in North Essex btw

Watch this space for new Etsy shop . . .


I would but one of them lives in Belgium so it is a little difficult. I may make them, and pre warn them they arent annealled, then if they crack I will make some more?
I just don't want them to think what I have made is awful because it breaks.
I cant decide what to do!


P.S. I am in Nottingham.
