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Started by amewat, April 17, 2009, 04:32:49 AM

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hi i was reading some posts on the the lampwork  etc site an it really freaked me out people were sayin they wore masks as the fumes can cause cancer an other things, some washed their clothes that they beaded in so they they dont contaminate other things, some wore things on their heads so the particles dont get into their hair. i  mean this is really putting me off it sounds like you have to do so much just to make glass beads. one woman said she looked like she was a  person who wears those bioharzad suit things.  :-[. i just dont no what to do i dont want to make myself ill. and also if u use ventilation then surely people who are near ure shed/garage are gonna get eh fumes that come out into the air? that worries me an would make me feel guilty. arggh sorry if im annoying u im just worried i was born a worrier.


It's a case of getting a balanced perspective. It's good to be cautious, but some of the stuff you describe is way OTT and to me would seriously hamper the sponteneity of bead making. Considering all the ozone, agri chemicals, car fumes etc that we all breath in every day and the nasty concoctions put in processed food, I wouldnt worry about the fumes affecting anyone else on top of their normal respiratory and dietary chemical cocktails....although I did consider blasting my outlet duct into my neighbours living room for a positive outcome!

Most people have some sort of ventilation as far as I can gather, I have a cooker extraction hood, trickle vents in the windows and am constantly asking family/friends....can you smell anything? If I get worried, I open the window wide to 'clean the room of fumes' but I dont think this is necessary. As far as particulates, as long as you are careful with the dry bead work wet, you will be ok. Not sure what other particulates there could be.

I dont fume yet, as I think this is where mask protection is really needed., it's a case of being sensible and then just chilling and having fun.

Laughinglass Lampwork Beads

sarah t

you proberbly cover yourself and your house with more chemicals than you get from beading !!.....some people are just bonkers when it comes to this stuff ...usually american !!!.. you are making beads not going to the moon !!....just dont read it lol...... ok be sensible .....check gas , ventilation , glasses, sensible clothing etc etc can you enjoy  the process if you are sitting in a bio chemical suit in breathing appartus ??


There was a post about this a while back, it really comes down to be sensible and providing enough ventalation and Sal had plenty of good advice.

I think the 'washing clothes' stuff is because of the dust from bead release, but that does sound like overdoing it somewhat!!!! Better reason for old clothes is for when you spill stuff, or wipe dirty mandrels on your shirt sleeves  (I'm such a slob!)


thanks makes me feel a bit better lol. just im easily worried. by the way wat is fuming??