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Started by Sarah999, April 16, 2009, 11:11:52 AM

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I have been playing around with triton, and am struggling a bit. I can't see to make it look all splodgey like it is lots of dots all melted in, with some darker lines and lighter bits. Does that make sense?
Anyone got some hints and tips?
Also what is the best colour for it? I used a transparent blue, and it looks funny, so did white.


Try dotting some on top of cobalt blue and then heat and swirl it around before reducing it for a random design :)


triton on ivory is fab, it makes the ivory crackle in a really nice way, or if you reduce & encase it you get a lovely just need to have a good play with mixing stuff, I know with triton it's an expensive play, but it's a gorgeous glass & the possibilities are endless  ;)


I almost always use triton over black or transparent cobalt blue to get the effect I 'think' you are talking about, and then I encase it after redcing it a bit. But Triton works well over any dark base, wouldn't it go a bit yellow on white, I've not tried it, but I might have a go.

The effect Vicki mentioned on ivory is really nice too, I usually put triton over dark ivory and the dark ivory over the triton again, the ivory on the triton goes bonkers when you melt it in, in a bonkers crackley way.

Have fun . Kate xx


come to FH for beads that need therapy  :D :D


Try raking the Triton after wrapping a bit straight on the mandrel, and reduce more than once, you start to get some whitish streaks in it then. If you spot encase, then you get the pale streaky bits under the clear and the rest goes darker again in a normal flame.


Oooo, sounds like there are so many fun things to do! I am going to have a play tonight.
I might even post a pic or 2 if it all goes to plan!

Thank you