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Fusing and Stained Glass Tips and FAQ's => Fusing Tips and FAQ's => Topic started by: Katie D on July 18, 2012, 05:57:41 PM

Title: New Kiln..nervous and excited...
Post by: Katie D on July 18, 2012, 05:57:41 PM
I am the proud owner of a Skutt Firebox 14 and really nervous about using it. I used to use a microwave kiln but wanted to start making bigger things and use moulds. I have the kiln in my shed on ceramic floor tiles.
I haven't quite worked out firing times yet, I am going to use the beginner schedules but don't know how long they last..not up on the Ramps and Hold times yet!!! Is it best to do a test fire on a slow fire or a fast one,How long do the firings take, does the outside of the kiln get very hot and should you be with it all the time?? ???
lots of questions....
Thanks everyone,

Title: Re: New Kiln..nervous and excited...
Post by: Zeldazog on July 18, 2012, 06:37:13 PM
Hi Katie

Welcome to the forum, and congrats on your purchase.

I can't remember what the recommendation is for the first firing when the kiln is empty, but as this is just to make sure any binders, etc are burnt off, I doubt it matters which programme you use.  With mine, the Skutt Hotstart Pro, you did the first firing with the bung out and it was a bit pongy, but for some reason its in my head that the Firebox 14 doesn't have a bung, is that right?

No, you don't need to be with them all the time, but with my Skutt which was at home, and my Hobbyfuser down at the studio, I stayed around to make sure that when it reached fusing temperatures it did stop there and not carry on! Only the first time though, I don't now, I might come in to the studio, load it up, switch it on, and leave again til the next day.

I can't tell you how long the pre-programmed schedules last as I put mine straight into full Pro mode, so set my own, but they last around 12 to 17 hours, although a lot of this is the natural cool down being so slow.  I set mine to slump something the other day, went back around five hours later and it had just reached the annealing cool down step.

Again, the Hotstart Pro got a little too hot to touch directly at full temp, but I can get within inches of it, air-wise.  I think about a foot of space is usually recommended around the kiln as a safety measure.

Remember that if you're using the Glassfire mode, that I think it's set to Spectrum 96 tempetatures, so if you're using Bullseye, you might find you have to adjust.

Biggest temptation a lot of people find when they get a bigger kiln is to load the shelf ful lon the first proper firing, "so as not to waste money on an almost empty kiln" - however, you'll find that your kiln should only cost around a £1 to fire a full fuse, which is far less than a shelf full of fusing glass will cost you!

All kilns are slightly different so it may take a couple of goes to find the optimum temperature yours works at - but that's all part of the fun of getting to know your new kiln!

Title: Re: New Kiln..nervous and excited...
Post by: Katie D on July 18, 2012, 06:53:27 PM
Thank you for the reply..
No it doesn't have a bung..
Title: Re: New Kiln..nervous and excited...
Post by: Katie D on July 18, 2012, 06:57:18 PM
I have looked several times...!
I feel a total beginner and am sure I will get the hang of things..just worried I'm going to burn the shed down!!
I will just have  to bite the bullet..
thanks again..
it's great to have somewhere to ask questions.
Title: Re: New Kiln..nervous and excited...
Post by: Warm Glass UK on July 19, 2012, 09:07:21 AM
....and we are here at the end of the phone if you need us Katie - don't think you've got a silly question, believe me, we've had them all and would rather you ask and get help rather than get frustrated and give up! (01934 863344)
Title: Re: New Kiln..nervous and excited...
Post by: Katie D on July 19, 2012, 02:56:30 PM
Thank you Warm Glass...
Have it on far so good...lets see what it looks like when I open it!!

Title: Re: New Kiln..nervous and excited...
Post by: jeannette on July 19, 2012, 08:12:16 PM
Exciting times :)
I went through the same panics when i got my kiln a few weeks ago.
I just put stuff in that I was OK about losing (not loads as Dawn said) and went for it. It's the best way IMO, you get over the "omg this will burn the street down" moment and then you get to enjoy it! As mine was second hand I didn't have the make it ready experiments to go through - ha!
My kiln is a hobby fuser, it does get hot, but not so you can't touch it, more like you can't keep your hand on it for a good few seconds...but that's a different brand and size. Keep in mind that the kiln's job is to heat the glass so they are made to keep as much heat in as possible. The schedules take longer than you think - especially if you watch them...mine has been on the FULL cool down and just takes forEVERRRRR to see what I made or joined together in a mutant bottle experiment.

Have fun, don't be afraid - it is built to get hot inside....not outside.
Title: Re: New Kiln..nervous and excited...
Post by: Katie D on July 28, 2012, 06:40:07 PM
Thank you Jeannette,
I have had it on 4 times now and am a bit more relaxed about it!! It did get quite hot but the walls of the shed didn't which is what I was worried about. Makes the shed hot so a pain now in the summer (live in Gibraltar) but will be great for keeping warm in the winter! The first 3 times I wrote all the times and temps down so I know when it gets up to temp and how long to cool down. Only used it on one setting and speed so now feel happy to experiment. Next is using moulds!!
Really pleased with it so far!!

Kate  ::)